Rex Crandell has been in the tax and estates & trusts profession since 1976. He has many years of experience preparing thousands of tax returns, doing estate planning, estate administration and probate. 

Our Firm Specializes In:

Estate Planning

Income Tax Services

Real Estate Deeds

Probate Services

Contact Information

(925) 934-6320

Walnut Creek, CA 94598

Claiming the Credit for Other Dependents

What you need to know about Claiming the Credit for Other Dependents!

Taxpayers with dependents who don’t qualify for the child tax credit may be able to claim the credit for other dependents.

The maximum amount of the credit is $500 for tax year 2020. To take the credit, your dependent must meet certain conditions.

For example, the dependent you are claiming must be age 17 or older and have an individual taxpayer identification number. Other dependents also include dependent parents or other qualifying relatives supported by the taxpayer and dependents living with the taxpayer who aren’t related to the taxpayer.

Here are some additional facts about the credit for other dependents:

1. The credit begins to phase out when the taxpayer’s income is more than $200,000 ($400,000 for married couples filing a joint tax return).

2. Taxpayers can claim the credit for other dependents in addition to the child and dependent care credit and the earned income credit.

3. The dependent must be a U.S. citizen, national or resident alien.

4. A taxpayer can claim this credit if they claim the person as a dependent on the taxpayer’s return.

5. The dependent cannot be used to claim the child tax credit or additional child tax credit.

For more information about Claiming the Credit for Other Dependents that could lower your taxes this year, please contact the office of Rex Crandell Firm.

Contact Rex Crandell Firm, in Walnut Creek, Today at 925-934-6320

