Rex Crandell has been in the tax and estates & trusts profession since 1976. He has many years of experience preparing thousands of tax returns, doing estate planning, estate administration and probate. 

Our Firm Specializes In:

Estate Planning

Income Tax Services

Real Estate Deeds

Probate Services

Contact Information

(925) 934-6320

Walnut Creek, CA 94598

Help With Back Taxes Owed in California

You may need help with back taxes owed if you have filed your returns but didn’t have the money to pay what was owed.

You may think, “Oh well—I will catch up next year.” Before you know it you find yourself several years in arrears and suddenly there is a notice from the IRS, stating that you owe three or four times the original amount. This can be a nerve wracking situation to be in and ignoring it will not make it go away!

It’s truly amazing how fast tax penalties and interest add up. Now you have a choice, you can write a big fat check and pay the full amount, including interest and penalties. Or you can just keep ignoring them while the penalties and interest keep piling up. If you have found yourself in this position, we highly recommend you contact Rex Crandell Firm in Walnut Creek, CA so we can see what we can do to help! You do not have to go through this process together – reach out to our team and let us help!

Help With Back Taxes Owed in California

Luckily, we offer several options when it comes to resolving unpaid taxes.
Contact Rex Crandell Firm in Walnut Creek, CA to help with your taxes!